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Choosing Between Attending A Technical College Or A University After G

English 111
Choosing between attending a Technical College or a University after graduation
becomes a major issue. Each institution offers the opportunity to further education and
the choice of a career. However, the choice between attending a Technical College or
a University will be based on financial, personal goals and educational

Financial assistance is available in many forms. Grants, student loans, and work
programs are offered by each institution. Grants offered by University’s require much
paperwork and in some cases complicated forms, essays, and occasionally interviews.
Applying for student loans and work programs are usually less complicated and geared to
the choice of technical trade in the technical institute. Overall, consideration of time and
money becomes an important issue. University’s offer four year programs compared to
the two year program at a technical program. This in comparison, means more financial
responsible for the choice of a college degree. The cost of attending a four year college
rises yearly, especially with out of state students. Technical colleges are usually local
affording a student to stay at home while attending classes.

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Consideration of personal goals for career will influence choices. University’s will
offer bachelor, masters, or PH degree in any field. Technical institution offers associate
degree’s in a trade or profession. Deciding on the trade as a career may offer an earlier
start in a career as time spent in a technical college is less. However, more advanced
careers are available through University’s.
Educational opportunities are endless in either institution. By comparison either
can offer much the same type of classes University’s concentrate heavily on the liberal arts
classes for those not quite sure of there career. Technical schools concentrate on careers
of trade geared to particular jobs for example brick masonry, welding, horticultural, etc.

Each of these institutions can make a successful career choice. However
considering there differences in time, money, and choices in careers, the individuals
personal goals will determine success at either.



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