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Changing Behavior-Nail Bitting

In my point of view, as a human being everybody is having some bad habits in their life. My health behaviour which I discovered was nail biting. I feel so embarrasses by seeing my fingers with short nails. Every individual have good and bad habits, it depends on the individuals. This behaviour occurs unconsciously. Some of the behaviour we adopt by our experience and some are childhood. From the childhood onwards, I started nail biting. I remember those days, I got punished from my teacher for nail biting, but I cannot stop this.

I know bad effects of nail biting but still continued. Whenever I feel more stress and tensed, I start biting my nails unknowingly. My goal is to stop nail biting within one month. The main cause of my behaviour is tension firstly I have to overcome my stressful situation and handle carefully and reduce tension by doing deep breathing exercises. I studied different ways to overcome my stress. I got infection many time due to this habit. My girlfriend also hated me due to this behaviour at this age nail biting looks weird.

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I worked step by step for applying this change in my behaviour. I researched different article and different ways of changing and modifying my habit. The theories and research of the Behaviourist Approach gave rise to therapies designed to change behaviour by using learning principles. Many of these therapies have been remarkably successful for several people who have specific behaviours or habits that they want to alter. Research has found that once I understand the principles of learning, I may even be able to change my behaviour.

Behaviour Model shows that three elements must converge at the same moment for behaviour to occur: Motivation, Ability, and Trigger. When behaviour does not occur, at least one of those three elements is missing. For example, for people who are not yet contemplating becoming more active, encouraging a step-by-step movement along the continuum of change may be more effective than encouraging them to move directly into action. so as to change my behaviour i will follow the Transtheoritical model, which is also known as the Stages of Change Model, behavioural change is a five-step process.

The five stages, between which individuals may oscillate before achieving complete change, are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Changing this habit is beneficial for my health and According to this theory, tailoring interventions to match a person’s readiness or stage of change is essential. Earlier i was not giving much attention but now I will definitely change my habit but now i have a desire to change behaviour.

I will intend to change this behaviour within the next month. Finally by forming a planned outline I will change my nail biting behaviour. Most people find stopping their nail biting extremely difficult. Changing a habit successfully means having a good support network. So I will tell my friends and the rest of my support network what I intends to do. This can reinforce in a public way my intent and make it easier to quit. Reward myself as for Success Behaviour changes occur more easily when we reinforce them.

This means if i reward myself for sticking with the plan, my brain records this as positive reinforcement for the new behaviour. Lastly I will join either an on-line or offline support group talking with other people who are going through the same experience can make it easier to quit especially on those difficult or stressful days. Many forums or other groups such as Yahoo or AOL will have support groups for nail biting. Finally by the grace of god I will surely reach my goal successfully.


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