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Penicillin, a Type of Antibiotic

Fleming in 1 928, is a type of antibiotics that can slow down the growth of bacteria or to kill them. Penicillin only affects on bacteria and it doesn’t help with the infection of virus. Penicillin is divided into two groups: natural penicillin and man-made penicillin (Lowe D. 2012). During World War II, penicillin saved a lot of people in Europe. The first person saved by penicillin was a nurse named Anne Sheaf Miller. She was feverish with a temperature near 1070 Fahrenheit. Doctor tried everything to save her.

At last, they gave her an injection Of natural penicillin, an experimental drug at that time. She miraculously recovered from the fatal disease (Gale, Coinage Learning 2013). As time goes by, more and more types of antibiotics are discovered. Penicillin is no longer treated as wonder drug because antibiotic resistance spread all over the world. The overuse of these antibiotics leads to huge public health problems (Infants & Donald 2012). Natural penicillin used to be in a big supply, but people soon realized that the germs became so strong that penicillin could not be affective.

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