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The control model is where the officers focuses closely on the control of their probationer or parolee. In the control model the officer can do drug tests to check and see if their client is using. Officer can also perform unannounced visit to the clients place of business or home. In the control model the officers have strong ties with law enforcement and the agencies. Convicted criminals compliance combined with supervision is what the control model focuses on. The control model also focuses on monitoring the convicted criminals to see what if they are doing what they are supposed to and to make sure there are no violations.

According to a Public Safety Research Institute report. “Joint probationer surveillance programs generally involve establishing Owe- or three-person police and probation officer teams to identify active probationers who may not have been complying with court-imposed conditions. ” Probation officers are responsible for court requirements and making sure their clients do not violate their probation or parole, while police officers have a responsibility of dealing with issues of safety.

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An example is a probation or parole officer goes to their client’s home and search the home making sure they are doing what hey are supposed to do and not violating their probation or parole. Another example is a probation officer makes their client perform drug tests on certain days and makes sure they follow through with it. The probation and parole role that plays in with this model is the law enforcement role. The law enforcement role is when officers of probation and parole mainly focuses on the community’s protection through the model of control.

Under the control model probation and parole officers are to act as if they were law enforcement models. Officers have to perform similar duties as those in law enforcement. The second probation and parole model is the social services model. This model focuses on the needs of the person on probation or parole. This model focuses on helping the client find employment. It also helps them find housing as well as education. The social services model can provide the individual get social or psychological treatment and or concealing.

This model also insures they the offender completes the programs set out for them. This model is a type of a treatment model. The social services model also helps the convicted criminal on the issues and problem they have. According to the Public Safety Research Institute Report, “Treatment-intensive programs focus on assisting the offender with problems, providing counseling and ensuring the offender successfully completes supervision. ” Also the Public Safety Research Institute Report, states that in this style of program, convicted criminals receive opportunities for rehabilitation.

Probation and parole officer focus on their clients issues and needs such as family and educational services, along with drug and alcohol addiction, and economic problems they may have. Also according to the public Safety Research Institute Report, the social services model shown to reduce repeat offenders, unlike the control model. In the social services model probationers and parolees can be either inpatient or outpatient treatment depending on the officer. The role that goes along with this model of social services is the treatment role.

The treatment role is where the officers of probation and parole have a main goal of helping, improving the welfare and needs of clients, as well as helping those clients on probation or parole complete programs given to them. The third and final model of probation and parole is the combined model. The combined model is a mix of the control model and the social services together. Probation and parole officers use parts of the control model while providing social services.

Officer of probation and parole use the combined model by responding to what criminal actions their client had performed. Not every person on probation or parole who has committed a not so harsh crime is going to have them same rules and regulations as one who has committed a harsh crime. An example of this would be a middle age man who is a rapist, which is a repeat offender would not have the same probation or parole rules ND regulations as someone who is young, first offender and has been caught. The social services programs by itself doesn’t show to reduce repeat offenders rates.

According to the Campbell Collaboration, “Several more recent studies suggest ISP programs that adhere to the PIE and offer a balance of treatment and surveillance show promise in improving offender outcomes. ” The role that is associated with this model is the blend role. The blend role is where officers of probation and paroles main goal is to help effect client with combining the control model and the social services del equally, to get the job done and to affect the client in a positive manner. This role blends parts of the control model and the social services model.

The control model focuses on monitoring and making sure probationers and parolees do not violate the sentences given to them. The social services model focuses on helping clients with their needs and programs, along with rehabilitation of probationers or parolees. The combined model puts together components of the control model and the social services model to make it up. “The social services model and the combined model shows evidence of reducing recidivism rates, while the control model alone does not appear to reduce recidivism,” according to the Public Safety Research Institute and Campbell Collaboration.

The Public Safety Research Institute states that, “Because detection of violations and action against violators is emphasized, recidivism rates normally increase with surveillance-intensive programs. ” I believe the model of probation and parole that is best is the combined model. I believe the combined model is the best model because it combines both the control model and the social services model. This model is getting he best of both worlds. It does not have to be all based on controlling the clients.

Officers do not have to just focus on making sure individuals on probation and parole are not violating anything. Officers do not have to act just as law enforcement officers, they are able to help and treat the needs of their clients because the social services model is put in with the combined model. In the combined model we see officers incorporate their control or their law enforcement role with their treatment or social services role while being able to define and preserve one model and role over the other.

By doing this officers can respond to different cases better by doing what that specific case calls for and needs to be done. Like have stated earlier each case is different and you cannot perform and treat the client the same way when cases are always different and the severity is different. The combined model is the best model because in order to help and watch over a person on probation or parole you have to combine the control model and the social surfaces model. Officers have to be able to check in and make sure their clients are doing what they are supposed to do and following their enticing.


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